Chapter Events

Virtual Business Networking Event

During this virtual business networking event you will have the opportunity to share how you show up in the world to serve others, learn from our 10-minute Spotlight Speaker, have an opportunity to win the honor of being the next Spotlight Speaker, give and receive from Shout Outs, and possibly pick the non-profit that wins our meeting donation! Everyone gets a roster and you will receive added visibility your business via the livestream into our Heart Link Network Worldwide Facebook Community!

The Heart Link Network Worldwide attracts high integrity entrepreneurial women all over the globe who are heart-centered, driven, dependable and who possess a mutual respect and desire to support one another. Whether you are an entrepreneur, business owner, service provider, community leader, non-profit organizer, you are just starting your business journey, or are a seasoned professional, we collectively deliver a wealth of experience and capabilities to help HLNW members accelerate our dreams into reality.

Date: January 24, 2023 @ 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Cost: First-Time Guest – $0 | Standard – $15

Zoom will be provided once registered

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