In 2007, the original Heart Link Network for entrepreneurial women was founded by an innovative and inspirational woman named Dawn L. Billings, who was the first to create the women’s endocrine technology based on her personality and neurophysiology background and studies. This technology, incorporated into a business networking environment, facilitates bonding, encouraging and supportive relationships.
In 2022, she passed the inspirational torch to one of her favorite women and leaders, Caprice Crebar, believing that she was the future of inspiring and uniting women worldwide.
Dawn L. Billings is a serial entrepreneur, inventor, author and relationship and personality expert who was selected as one of the nations 80 emerging women leaders by Oprah Magazine and The White House Project, as well as, chosen as one of 15 Women of Achievement by the Cobb County, Georgia, YWCA for her socially dynamic programs and life-long dedication to the benefit of women and children.
Dawn L. Billings is also the author and architect of Primary Colors Personality Tests and Insight tools and creator of She created the Relationship Help At Home online programs for individuals and couples and is the executive director of the in Arizona, where she offers private relationship retreat intensives.
“I’ve made it my life’s mission to work with individuals, couples and organizations to help them unlock the keys to personal resilience and emotional intelligence. I have learned that if people gain insight into their color personality tendencies and learn to understand the color personality tendencies of others they flourish across all life domains. Naturally curious and driven by a desire to understand and effectively communicate with people, I help people implement practical tools and strategies that are inspired by the latest advances in neuroscience, personality and human psychology.”